Get The Idea Of Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery With Advantages Of Planning Treatment In India

Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery

Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery or “Roux-en-Y gastric bypass” is thought to be the most effective surgery for weight-loss by the National Institutes of Health and American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. In this type of surgery a band is tied around the stomach to make it smaller so that the intake of food is less and you feel full even after having small quantity of food. Since the operation is performed laparoscopically, it is known as Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery.

Get The Idea Of Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery With Advantages Of Planning Treatment In India

Indications That The Person Is Overweight

Obesity or overweight are the very common problems that a large number people are facing in America. It happens when the numbers of fat cells start increasing in the body. There is a particular way to diagnose if a person is obese or not. A person’s BMI (Body Mass Index) is measured by the doctors and only a doctor can say if the person is suffering with overweight or not. If the physical examination confirms that you have high BMI, you are considered obese.

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Advantages of Gastric Bypass Surgery: The main advantage of this surgery is that your stomach becomes relatively small and you can achieve your goal of losing weight due to less intake of food. A hormone called “ghrelin” which increases your hunger is bypassed in this surgery. A patient is likely to lose weight by 70-80 percent and lead a healthy life.

How Long Does It Take To Lose Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery ?

The results that are expected from weight loss surgeries are quite encouraging. On an average, it takes just one or two years to lose 70-80% of your weight with following the instructions from the doctors strictly. Many patients start losing weight quickly just after the operation and the procedure of losing weight continues 18-24 months.

How Long Is Patient’s Weight Loss Maintained After Surgery ?

Patients after laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery have to follow a very strict diet regime. Regular exercise along with diet is also recommended to maintain the weight. If you do not follow a balanced and healthy diet or regular exercise, you are likely to gain weight again which is not a good sign. As soon as you feel you are gaining weight again, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Advantages Of Doing Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery In India

The laproscopic gastric bypass surgery cost in western countries is very high compared to India. Patients from other countries find that even after spending on air-tickets, hospital expenditure, staying in hotels etc, the cost of this surgery is very low. Since India has emerged as one of the best destinations for medical treatments due to best medical facilities and doctors, a number of good hospital are found here.

The Cost of Surgery in India: Gastric bypass surgery cost in India starts from $6000. It largely will depend on the choice of hospital, facilities and doctors.

Watch Video of Our USA Patient Sharing Experience Of Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery  in India

How India Laparoscopy Surgery Site Helping International Patients For Booking Treatment In India?

India Laparoscopy Surgery Site group provides complete guidance to patients from medical visa to scheduling appointment with surgeons. One of expert, who has all the knowledge about the procedure is allocated to the patient throughout the procedure.

You can book your appointment by email or call. If you have any queries regarding treatment in India fill our free consultation form on our website  and get quick reply from our experts.

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